<抄録> 既設河川横断工作物の簡易な掘削により、低コスト・高効率な遡上・メンテナンスフリーを可能にする新しい魚道(以下、切欠き魚道)の開発を目的に、工事方法を案出するとともに、切欠き魚道を仙台市広瀬川の一次支川である竜の口渓谷の堰堤に設置したので報告する。
We have been developing a new type of fishway named "silt-type fishway." Silt-type fishways are expected to cut construction costs, achieve highly efficient upstream fish migration, and require no maintenance by applying simple excavation to existing structures built across rivers. In this report, we explain the construction method and the first installation case of a silt-type fishway at a weir in the Tatsunokuchi Valley, a primary tributary of the Hirose River in Sendai City, Japan. |
Keywords:fishway, structural improvement, low-cost, improvement, cost reduction, biodiversity |
【一般報文】 |
Current Conditions of Driftwood and Submerged Wood Management in Reservoirs |
髙田翔也・宮川 仁・熊本紗也華・石神孝之
TAKATA Shoya, MIYAKAWA Masashi, KUMAMOTO Sayaka, ISHIGAMI Takayuki |
<抄録> ダム貯水池の堆砂および沈木による貯水池管理上の課題の把握とその対応策を検討するため、国土交通省所管ダムの管理者へのアンケート調査を実施し、沈木による貯水池管理上の課題の実態、沈木発生に関わる流木の管理状況、洪水吐き周辺の堆砂状況を明らかにした。
We conducted a questionnaire survey for the managers of dams under the supervision of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan to identify reservoir management issues related to sedimentation and submerged wood and then plan solutions. The survey revealed problems caused by submerged wood in managing reservoirs, the current practices for managing driftwood that will likely become submerged wood, and the sedimentation around bottom outlets. |
Keywords:bottom outlet, submerged wood, reservoir driftwood management, reservoir sedimentation management, questionnaire |
<抄録> 越水時には、越流水によって堤防表面が覆われ、堤体の侵食状況を直接確認することができない。そこで、堤防の裏のり面を流れる越流水表面の白波の発生状況に着目し、越水状況を撮影した画像から、水面下の堤防の侵食状況を把握する手法について検討した結果を報告する。
It is usually impossible to confirm if levees are eroded during an overflow because they are under floodwaters. To solve this problem, we have focused on white splashes arising on the surface of the river water flowing down the landside slope of a levee and developed a method to estimate the erosion status of the levee under floodwaters using images of the water surface captured during an overflow. This report presents the findings of our research. |
キーワード: 水理模型実験、越水、侵食、深層学習、画像解析
Keywords:hydraulic experiment, overflow, erosion, deep learning, image analysis |
【一般報文】 |
Development of a Real-time Forecasting System for Inundation Induced by Storm Surges and High Waves |
KATO Fuminori, IBI Yoichiro, YUASA Naomi |
<抄録> 高潮・高波時の水防活動を支援することを目的として開発された、高潮・高波による浸水の危険性をリアルタイムで予測する「高潮・高波減災支援システム」の概要と予測精度の検証結果を紹介する。
We have developed a system to support flood control efforts in the event of storm surges and high waves by forecasting the inundation risk in real time. In this report, we outline this support system and present the results of forecasting accuracy experiments. |
キーワード: 高潮、高波、リアルタイム予測、海岸、水防
Keywords:storm surge, high wave, real-time forecasting, coast, flood control |
谷 俊秀・岡﨑貴斎・栗原勇太・七澤利明
TANI Toshihide, OKAZAKI Takayoshi, KURIHARA Yuta, NANAZAWA Toshiaki |
<抄録> 本稿は道路土工構造物のうち、現行指針適用範囲外の大型ボックスカルバートの耐震性の照査に用いる解析モデルについて、既往の実験結果及び地震の影響を受けた実カルバートの再現解析により検討を行った。この解析モデルを用いて各種条件で耐震性の照査を実施し、耐震設計法導入の影響について評価した結果を示すものである。
We developed an analysis model for the seismic verification of large box culverts, a type of road civil engineering structures, and tested the model by reproducing and analyzing the past cases of culvers affected by earthquakes in addition to the results of past experiments. We then conducted seismic verification of large box culvers using the analysis model with different conditions. In this report, we present the findings about the effect of a seismic design method on the seismic resistance of culverts. |
Keywords:earthquake resistance verification, large box culverts, replay analysis, circumferential shear force, response deflection method |
【一般報文】 |
Investigation and Analysis of Factors Causing Salt-Induced Degradation of Surface-Coating Decommissioned Concrete Beams |
山本 将・佐藤純弥・石田雅博
YAMAMOTO Susumu, SATOU Junya, ISHIDA Masahiro |
<抄録> 既設PC橋の塩害対策のひとつとして、予防保全を目的とした表面被覆工法による補修が行われてきたが、期待される補修効果が発揮されず塩害劣化が発生していると考えられる事例が見受けられる。その要因確認のため、表面被覆後の塩化物イオン濃度等に着眼したデータ整理・分析及び詳細調査を実施し留意事項等を整理した。
Surface coating is among salt-damage control measures for existing PC bridges and has been a frequent option for preemptive protection. However, even after its application, some cases have been reported in which surface coating was not as effective as expected, failing to prevent salt-induced degradation. To identify factors of the problem, we sorted out and analyzed data and conducted thorough investigations with a primary focus on chloride ion concentrations after applying surface coating. Then, we compiled key points to control salt damage effectively. |
Keywords:existing PC bridge, salt damage, surface coating, chloride ion, diffusion |
大西孝典・宮嵜靖大・澤田 守・上仙 靖
OHNISHI Takanori, MIYAZAKI Yasuhiro, SAWADA Mamoru, JOSEN Yasushi |
<抄録> 高耐久鋼材であるステンレス鋼を炭素鋼と組み合わせて同一橋梁内で使用する場合、接合部において異種金属接触腐食が生じる可能性がある。本稿では、異種金属接触を抑制するための絶縁方法を検討し、腐食促進試験によりその効果を検証した結果を報告する。
When stainless steel and carbon steel are both used in the same bridge, galvanic corrosion may occur at the joints connecting the different types of steel. In this research, we investigated an electrical insulation method to prevent corrosion and verified its effectiveness by corrosion acceleration tests. |
Keywords:stainless steel, friction-type joint, galvanic corrosion, insulating material |
木地 稔・光谷友樹・木村 泰・中洲啓太
KIJI Minoru, MITSUTANI Yuki, KIMURA Yasushi, NAKASU Keita |
<抄録> 大規模災害における入札契約方式の適用状況、課題を踏まえ、随意契約等の適用条件の明確化、業務における災害時の入札契約方式の適用等の考え方を提案した。ガイドライン(令和3年5月改正)に反映された新たな考え方について、検討経緯とともに報告する。
In this research, we studied the current application status of the tendering and contraction method and identified issues to address for its better application. Based on the results, we clarified the conditions for the application of voluntary and other contracts and proposed key considerations for the use of the tendering and contraction method for construction projects during a disaster. This report explains the new concepts incorporated in the contraction guidelines (revised in May 2021), including discussions in revising the guidelines. |
Keywords:tendering and contraction method, disaster recovery, guideline |
TAKAHASHI Yoshiharu, NAKAJIMA Tomoichiro |
<抄録> 大本山永平寺と福井県、永平寺町が連携して取り組んだ永平寺門前の再構築プロジェクトについて、宿泊施設と永平寺川、旧参道の整備を行うにあたり、アドバイザーの意見を聞きながら、3者の役割分担のもと課題解決にあたった取り組み内容を報告する。
The Eiheiji temple, Fukui Prefecture, and Eiheiji Town conducted a joint renovation project of the temple’s surrounding area, while getting suggestions from advisors. This report explains the roles and efforts of the three parties in solving problems arising during the improvement of lodging facilities, the Eiheiji River, and the old approach to the temple. |
Keywords:Eiheiji Temple, Zen, town renovation, harmonized river management, ancient map, stone wall method |
【現地レポート】 |
Efforts in 3D Jurisdiction Map Production at Kyushu Regional Development Bureau |
KAJITANI Noriyasu |
<抄録> 九州地方整備局では、河川管理の高度化・効率化を図るために河川CIMで培った知見をDX技術に発展させるための検討を進めているところである。この一環として、河川の水系や管理区間の三次元地形データを基礎資料として表示する「三次元管内図」の構築にも取り組んでいることから、その概要や活用事例を紹介する。
The Kyusyu Regional Development Bureau has been studying how the knowledge gained through river CIM can be utilized as DX technology for more sophisticated and efficient river management. As part of this effort, we have been developing a 3D jurisdiction map that shows the basic information of the bureau’s management area, such as river systems and 3D topography. This report outlines this 3D map and its applications. |
Keywords:3D jurisdiction map、BIM/CIM、DX、river management |
SHIBATA Tatsumasa, MAEHORI Shinpei, WATANABE Hiroshi |
<抄録> 土木研究センターが実施する建設技術審査証明事業(土木系材料・製品・技術、道路保全技術)の特徴を説明するとともに、普及活動の事例の紹介を行う。建設技術審査証明が交付された新技術は、学識経験者により審査された信頼性の高い優れた技術である。
This report presents the characteristics of the Construction Technology Review and Certification managed by the Public Works Research Center (PWRC) with some examples of the center’s dissemination activities. This review and certification system covers civil engineering materials, products, and technologies and road maintenance technologies. The certified new technologies are acknowledged as the highly reliable, excellent technologies that have been reviewed by experts with relevant knowledge and experience. |
Keywords:construction technology review and certification, new technology, certification committee, experts with relevant knowledge and experience, dissemination |