【特集報文】 |
Initiatives to Realize Automated Driving through Road Infrastructure Support for Sustainable Logistics and Mobility Services |
NAKAGAWA Toshimasa, MATSUBARA Tomohiro, YAMAMOTO Daiki |
<抄録> 持続可能な物流・人流サービスの実現に向けて、自動運転の高度化のための取組である、高速道路での自動運転トラックの実証実験、一般道での自動運転バスへのインフラ支援実証実験を紹介するとともに、当該実験での国総研の研究内容を概説する。
To realize sustainable logistics and mobility services, a field operational test(FOT)of automated driving truck on expressways and a FOT of infrastructure support for automated driving bus on general roads is introduced, which is an initiative to enhance automated driving. Also, a research content by National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management at the FOT is described. |
キーワード: 自動運転、路車協調システム、走行空間、実証実験
Keywords:automated driving, V2I system, driving space, field operational test |
【特集報文】 |
人口減少と担い手不足に対する下水道事業の取組み ~効率的な管理と官民連携~
Efforts in Sewerage Business to Address Population Decline and Operator Shortage |
三宮 武
<抄録> 人口減少と担い手不足に対する下水道事業の政策として、広域化・共同化、ウォーターPPPを紹介する。また、これらに関連して国総研が
This report discusses policies of regionalization and coalition and the Public Private Partnership about Water Business(Water PPP), designed to address the challenges of population decline and labor shortages in sewerage services. The report also highlights related technologies that the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management of Japan has utilized in the Breakthrough by Dynamic Approach in Sewage High Technology(B-DASH)Project. |
キーワード: 広域化・共同化、ウォーターPPP、ICT/AI、中小規模処理場
Keywords:regionalization and coalition, Public Private Partnership in the Water Sector, Information Communication Technology/Artificial Intelligence, small and medium treatment plant |
【特集報文】 |
Research and Technological Development to Maintain and Improve Safety Against Sediment-related Disasters in Declining Population |
伊藤誠記・金澤 瑛・遠藤優人・水流竜馬
ITO Motoki, KANAZAWA Akito, ENDO Yuto, TSURU Ryoma |
<抄録> 人口減少時代に対応するため、土砂災害対策を実施すべき場所の的確な把握、ならびに人口や人口密度の減少が進行する地域においても土砂災害安全度を維持・向上させることを視野に進められている研究について紹介する。
In this report, we introduce two types of research in sediment-related disaster management currently underway to address the challenges Japan faces due to a decreasing population. One aims to accurately identify locations requiring landslide disaster prevention measures, and the other focuses on maintaining and improving landslide safety levels in areas experiencing population or population density declines. |
キーワード: 人口減少、将来人口推定、地すべり変位速度、SAR衛星、SfM/MVS
Keywords: |
population decline, future population estimation, landslide displacement velocity, SAR satellite, SfM/MVS |
【特集報文】 |
Toward the Implementation of Technology in Society to Support Flood Fighting Activities to Counter the Trend of Declining Number of Group Members – Focus on the Field – |
湯浅 亮・武内慶了
YUASA Ryo, TAKEUCHI Yoshinori |
<抄録> 全国各地の水防団を悩ませる団員数減少及び団員の高齢化の現状を踏まえて、ICT技術を活用した水防活動支援情報共有システムを開発した。開発で得られた成果を社会に還元するために取り組んでいる社会実装方策の調査検討状況及び今後の展望について紹介する。
Across Japan, the members of flood fighting brigades are rapidly aging, and their numbers are decreasing. In response to this situation, we have developed an ICT technology-assisted information-sharing system that supports them in their flood fighting activities. We have also been studying strategies to effectively implement the findings gained through this technological development in society. This report outlines the new system and presents the progress and outlook of our efforts to implement it. |
キーワード: 水防団、水防活動、DX、リアルタイム情報共有、社会実装
Keywords:flood fighting brigade, flood fighting activities, DX, real-time information sharing, implementation of technology in society |
【特集報文】 |
Non-contact Flood Discharge Observation Method for Safety and Labor-saving |
工藤 俊・萬矢敦啓・山田浩次
KUDO Syun, YOROZUYA Atsuhiro, YAMADA Koji |
<抄録> 技術者不足と災害激甚化のため、人手がかかり危険も多い浮子を用いた洪水時の流量観測が実施できない河川が増えており、安全で欠測が少なく計測できる電波流速計・画像処理型流速計測法など非接触型流量観測への移行が進みつつある。本稿では浮子から非接触型へのスムースな移行のための、浮子と非接触型の計測差要因検証の取組みと、非接触型の高精度な計測手順検討の取組みを紹介する。
Due to a shortage of engineers and increasingly severe hazards, conducting discharge observations using floats, which are labor- intensive and hazardous, has become more challenging in many rivers across Japan during flooding. As a result, there has been a shift towards non-contact discharge observation methods, such as introducing radar velocity meters or image velocimeter(STIV)This report explains our efforts to facilitate a smooth transition from the float-based style to the non-contact style, focusing on identifying the causes for discrepancies between the two types and sorting out procedures for accurate observations using the non-contact methods. |
キーワード: 水文自動観測、高水流量観測、非接触型計測、流速分布
Keywords:automatic hydrological observation, flood discharge observation, non-contact current meter, velocity distribution |
【特集報文】 |
Efforts to Save Labor through Advanced ICT Construction and Autonomous Construction Technology |
杉谷康弘・橋本 毅
SUGITANI Yasuhiro, HASHIMOTO Takeshi |
<抄録> 施工の省人化を実現する取組みとして、国土技術政策総合研究所において実施している工程進捗データ流通環境の構築等のICT施工の高度化に関する研究及び、土木研究所において実施している建設機械が自動で作業を行う「自動施工」の研究開発を促進させるための取組みを概説する。
This report offers an overview of research initiatives led by two Japanese institutes to improve labor efficiency in construction projects. The National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management has been exploring approaches to upgrade ICT construction, such as creating an architecture for effectively sharing project progress data. The Public Works Research Institute has been promoting research and development to realize autonomous construction, in which construction machines operate without human operators to complete tasks. |
Keywords:i-Construction2.0, labor saving, ICT construction, autonomous construction |
【特集報文】 |
Study to Establish an Efficient Method for Constructing Precast Retaining Walls |
OZAKI Masaki, KONDOU Kazuhito, SASAKI Toru, SAWAMATSU Toshikazu, MABUCHI Toshiaki |
<抄録> ブロック積擁壁を含むプレキャストコンクリート製品は、現場打ちコンクリートと比べて工期短縮、省人化等の優位性が期待される。本稿では、ブロック積擁壁に着目し、プレキャストコンクリート擁壁の優位性を検証するとともに、大型化したブロック積擁壁の合理的な構築手法確立に向けた取り組みを紹介する。
Building precast concrete structures, including block retaining walls, is expected to offer a shorter construction period and better labor efficiency than building cast-in-place concrete structures. Our research focused on block retaining walls and investigated their construction process for these potential benefits. This report presents our findings and highlights other efforts to establish an efficient method to construct larger block retaining walls. |
キーワード: プレキャスト、ブロック積擁壁、大型ブロック、コンクリート擁壁
Keywords:precast retaining wall, concrete-block retaining wall, Large Blocks, concrete retaining wall |
【特集報文】 |
施工が容易なコンクリートの活用に向けた検討 Optimizing the Free Fall Height: Promoting the Use of User-Friendly, Mechanically-Compacting Flowable Concrete |
片平 博・陳内真央・仲野弘識・古賀裕久
KATAHIRA Hiroshi, JINNAI Mao, NAKANO Hironori, KOGA Hirohisa |
<抄録> 熟練技術者の減少に伴い、コンクリート分野では鉄筋配置が過密な個所や狭隘部等への確実なコンクリートの打込み、締固め作業が困難となりつつある。このため、従来のコンクリートよりも流動性を高めたコンクリートの実用化に向けた研究を進めている。このうち、打込み時の自由落下高さに関する検討内容を紹介する。
With declines in the number of skilled concrete technicians, it is becoming increasingly challenging to ensure the proper placement and compaction of concrete in densely-rebarred sections or narrow spaces. To address this challenge, we have developed concrete with improved fluidity compared with traditional options and are currently exploring ways to increase its use. This report explains one of our efforts, in which we conducted experiments to optimize the free fall height for concrete placement. |
キーワード: 締固めを必要とする高流動コンクリート、自由落下高さ、打込み、締固め
Keywords: |
mechanically-compacting flowable concrete, free fall height, placing, compaction |
【特集報文】 |
Development of an AI-Based Diagnostic Support System for Road Bridge Maintenance Facing Labor Shortage |
石田雅博・澤田 守・森本敏弘
ISHIDA Masahiro, SAWADA Mamoru, MORIMOTO Toshihiro |
<抄録> 道路橋の老朽化に伴い、診断の信頼性確保や予防保全の推進等が求められている一方で、人口減少に伴いメンテナンスを担う技術者の不足が課題となっている。このためCAESARでは、これまでに蓄積した知見を集約し、橋梁診断を支援するシステムを開発しており、本報では、システム概要、検証等の取り組みを報告する。
While there is an urgent need for reliable structure diagnosis and preventive maintenance as road bridges are increasingly aging, Japan faces a shortage of maintenance engineers amid a population decrease. To address this problem, the Center for Advanced Engineering Structural Assessment and Research ( CAESAR ) has developed an AI-based bridge diagnosis support system by leveraging its accumulated data and knowledge. This report outlines this system and its development process, including validation. |
キーワード: 予防保全、AI、エキスパートシステム、床版
Keywords:preventive maintenance, artificial intelligence, expert system, bridge slab |
【特集報文】 |
Activities for Human Resource Development of Core Structural Maintenance Engineers in Conjunction with Reginal Development Bureau, MLIT |
HOSHIKUMA Jun-ichi |
<抄録> 労働人口が減少していく中、重要なインフラである道路構造物の老朽化対策を担うメンテナンス技術者の質を着実に確保していくことが求められている。本報では、地域において中核となる道路構造物のメンテナンス技術者の現場技術力の育成の観点から、国総研道路構造物研究部が地整等と連携して取り組んでいる活動について紹介する。
As the workforce in Japan diminishes, it is essential to ensure the quality of engineers responsible for leading projects to address the aging of road structures, which are crucial social infrastructure. To this end, the Road Structures Department of the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management has launched a joint training program with the regional development bureaus of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to develop the on-site expertise of local engineers expected to play a leading role in road structure maintenance in their areas. |
キーワード: 人材育成、道路構造物メンテナンス技術者、技術基準、研修、技術支援
Keywords:human resource development, structural maintenance engineers, technical standards, training, technical advices |
【特集報文】 |
Analysis of the Effect and Process of Human Resource Development through Dispatch to NILIM |
宮原 史
<抄録> 労働人口が減少していく中、土木技術者を戦略に育成してゆくためには、土木技術者の技術力と経験の関係を明らかにすることが有効と考えられる。本報では、地方整備局から国総研への出向経験、民間企業から国総研への交流研究員としての派遣経験を通じた技術者の学習の効果やそのプロセスを分析した結果を紹介する。
As the labor force decreases in Japan, it is effective to clarify the relationship between the technological capabilities and experience of civil engineers in order to strategically train them. This research analyzes the learning processes and effects in association with experience of civil engineers, such as secondment from regional development bureaus to the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management(NILIM)and dispatch as guest researchers from private companies to NILIM. |
キーワード: 人材育成、派遣、交流研究員、インタビュー、SCAT
Keywords:human resource development, dispatch, guest researcher, interview, SCAT |