【特集報文】 |
Research on Technology Policies to Establish More Advanced and Efficient Numerical Analysis for River Channel Planning and Design |
SEZAKI Tomoyuki, TABATA Kosuke |
<抄録> 河道の計画や設計の段階で行われる数値解析が、効果的に行われ、また、継続的に改善されていくために、技術基準の整備など発注者側の取り組みとして何が必要かを把握するため、事務所で発注された業務の実態調査、建設コンサルタントへのヒアリング等を行い、考察を行った。また、この結果を踏まえ、国総研として開始した取り組みを紹介する。
Numerical analysis is crucial in planning and designing river channels. In order to effectively conduct and continuously improve this analysis, it is essential to clarify tasks that should be done by the client, such as establishing technical standards. To this end, the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management investigated projects commissioned by its local offices and conducted interviews with construction consulting firms. This report presents the investigation results and outlines a new initiative that the institute has launched based on the findings. |
キーワード: 河道計画、河道設計、洪水流解析、技術基準、技術認証
Keywords: |
river channel planning, river channel design, flood flow analysis, technical standards, technical certification |
【特集報文】 |
River Channel Cross-sectional Shapes with a Risk of Bank Erosion |
<抄録> 本稿では、主に急流河川における河岸侵食の危険性を評価するための指標として、比高水深比を提案した。比高水深比が高くなるにつれて河岸侵食発生率が増大することが確認され、対策等の詳細検討に入る前段階として、河岸侵食が発生しやすい個所を大局的に把握するための有用な評価手法となることを示した。
In this report, we propose using the height-depth ratio as an indicator primarily to evaluate steep rivers for bank erosion risk. Our research has confirmed that bank erosion becomes more likely to occur as this ratio increases. This ratio can be a useful tool to identify locations prone to bank erosion, providing a preliminary assessment before engaging in detailed discussions on control measures. |
キーワード: 砂州形状、河岸侵食の危険性、河道横断形状データ、砂州波高、満杯水深
Keywords: |
bar shapes, risk of bank erosion, cross-sectional river channel data, bar height, bankfull depth |
【特集報文】 |
Approaches to River Corridor Management from an Environmental Perspective, Including River Basins |
中村圭吾・森 照貴・溝口裕太
<抄録> 環境への関心が高まり、生物多様性の保全が重要視される中、河道マネジメントにおいては、環境の定量目標の設定など、これまで以上に治水と環境の両立した管理が求められている。本稿では、環境の視点からの河道マネジメントを中心に一部観点を流域に広げて必要な視点と技術の最新の状況について述べる。
With the growing public interest in environmental conservation and biodiversity, there is a rising demand for river channel management that takes flood control and environmental concerns into equal consideration. This report explores key considerations and the latest technologies to support this approach, mainly from the viewpoint of environment-focused river channel management and partially from a basin-wide perspective. |
キーワード: 河川環境、ネイチャーポジティブ、流域環境、河川環境管理シート、生息適地モデル
Keywords: |
river environment, nature positive, watershed environment, river environment management sheet, species distribution model |
【特集報文】 |
Study on Simple Surveying Methods for Grasping Changes in Riverbed Elevation Under Bipolarization |
山田浩次・猪股広典・工藤 俊
YAMADA Koji, INOMATA Hironori, KUDO Syun |
<抄録> 河道の二極化の進行と対策による効果のモニタリングに用いる、現場の制約条件に応じた河床高・流速の計測手法について解説する。また既存の計測手法が難しい場合に必要となる、片岸からの曳航による河床高計測手法の開発状況、および画像処理(PIV)による平面二次元の流況に基づく河床高変化の推定の可能性について述べる。
Measuring riverbed elevation and flow velocity is necessary to monitor the development of river channel bipolarization and the effect of control measures. This report explains how this measurement can be effectively performed in various locations while taking into account site-specific conditions. It also reports the progress in developing a riverbed elevation measurement approach that involves measurements using a small boat with towing ropes from one bank, a practical approach when conventional methods are not feasible. Moreover, it discusses the potential for particle image velocimetry (PIV), another new approach that estimates changes in riverbed elevation by analyzing planar two-dimensional flow conditions. |
キーワード: 河道二極化、ソナー、ADCP、曳航、画像処理型流速測定法
Keywords: |
bipolarization, sonar, ADCP, towing, image-analysis type velocity measure method |
【特集報文】 |
Study on Dam Reservoir Sedimentation Management Linked to River Channel Conservation |
<抄録> ダム堆砂を適切な質、量、タイミングで流下させる技術が確立できれば、全国的な課題となっている海岸域まで含めた流域全体の流砂系の課題に対し、その解決策の一助になり得るところ、ダム上流から下流へダム堆砂を通過させる最新の技術開発動向を紹介する。
There has been a pressing issue of disrupted sediment flow in river basins across Japan, from the upper reaches to the seacoasts. To tackle this challenge, the establishment of a practical approach have been taken to release dam sediment in the right quality, quantity, and timing. This report highlights the latest technological advancements aimed at achieving an optimal transportation of dam sediment to downstream rivers. |
キーワード: ダム堆砂、SIP、索道、流砂量観測、河道保全
Keywords: |
dam sedimentation, Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP), cableway, sediment flow measurement, river channel conservation |
【特集報文】 |
Development of a New Method for Identifying Scour-prone River Bridges Considering River Channel Bipolarization |
竹崎奏詠・猪股広典・板垣 修
<抄録> 近年問題となっている河道の二極化等を考慮した洗掘被害を受けやすい河川道路橋の抽出手法の確立に向け、洗掘による被災が近年多く見られる県管理の全道路橋(約140,000橋)を対象に、その位置および属性情報を整理することに加え、洗掘被害を特に受けやすい河川道路橋の判定事例を合わせて示した。
In order to establish a method for identifying river bridges susceptible to scour damage with consideration of river channel bipolarization, the location and attribute information of all prefecture-managed road bridges (approximately 140,000 bridges) was compiled. In addition, we also present a method for identifying river bridges that are particularly susceptible to scour damage. |
Keywords: |
prefecture-managed road bridge, scouring, river bipolarization, identification method, riverbed change simulation |
【現地レポート】 |
Current Status and Approach for River Channel Management in the Kiso River |
SAITO Daisaku |
<抄録> 木曽川は、治水の歴史が深く、安全度の飛躍的向上等により、地域が発展した一方で、河川環境は大きく変化している。治水機能を維持しつつ、地域の文化、環境保全のためには、新たな川づくりが必要である。本現地レポートは、樹林化した砂州の伐開や掘削、不足している玉石の補給などの取り組みを紹介するものである。
The Kiso River has a long history of flood control. The areas along the river have prospered because of the drastic improvement in flood safety. At the same time, the river environment has undergone significant changes. As a result, a new river management approach is necessary to help conserve local cultures and environments while maintaining the river’s flood control capacity. This report describes our efforts in line with this approach, including clearing and excavating vegetated sandbars and replenishing boulders. |
Keywords: |
sediment runoff, river where sandbars are well established, river channel conservation |
【現地レポート】 |
The Kiso River: Its Past and Future Expectations |
EGUCHI Shin-ichi |
<抄録> 木曽川水系木曽川によって形成された扇状地に位置する愛知県犬山市に居住する筆者が子供の頃から現在までの木曽川の変遷について身近な事例に基づき述べる。さらに、現在の危機的な木曽川の水辺環境を復活させるためには、近年流失が著しい玉石の補充と、洪水ごとに分厚く堆積する泥砂の低減が必須であることを強調する。
In this report, the author describes how the Kiso River has changed since his childhood as a long-term resident in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, located on the alluvial fan formed by the Kiso River, the main river of the Kiso River system. Also pointing out that the river environment has been critically damaged, he emphasizes that the restoration of a healthy river environment requires replenishing boulders, a significant number of which have been washed away in recent years, and reducing thick layers of muddy sand deposited during each flood. |
Keywords: |
Kiso River, Inuyama City, boulders, fish, aquatic insects |
【一般報文】 |
Effect of Introducing Biochar from Biomass Derived from Public Property Maintenance |
MIYAMOTO Toyohisa, TANIFUJI Keishi, ABE Chika |
<抄録> 河川や公園管理で生じる草本類は有効利用が進んでいない。一方、バイオ炭は草本に由来するものも認められている。本稿では、草木、特に草本類の化学組成に注目し、熱重量(TG)分析を行って炭化収率との関係を示すとともに、公物管理由来バイオマスに対してバイオ炭を導入した場合の効果に関する簡易的な試算結果を紹介する。
Although not many effective ways have been found to use herbaceous plant waste resulting from river and park maintenance, biochar has been recognized as one of the few such ways. In this report, we focus on the chemical composition of plant species, especially herbaceous plants, and discuss their relationship with carbonization yield by conducting thermogravimetric (TG) analysis. We also present the results of simple calculations conducted for experimental cases using biochar, instead of biomass utilizing green waste from public property maintenance. |
Keywords: |
public property maintenance, biomass, Biochar, carbonization yield, CO2 emissions reduction |
【一般報文】 |
道路緑化と近接する雨水貯留浸透施設導入の技術的留意事項 ~道路空間におけるグリーンインフラの推進に向けて~
Technical Considerations for the Introduction of Rainwater Harvesting and Infiltration Facilities in Close Proximity to Road Greening: For Promoting Green Infrastructure in Road Space |
NEZU Yoshiki, HASHIMOTO Hiroyoshi |
<抄録> 国土交通省では、自然環境が有する多様な機能を活かしたグリーンインフラの導入を推進している。道路分野のグリーンインフラである雨水貯留浸透施設を道路緑化と近接して整備する道路管理者へ技術支援等を行うため、整備や維持管理の考え方や工夫を、事例及び技術指針等よりとりまとめた技術的留意事項を紹介する。
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in Japan promotes the introduction of green infrastructure that capitalizes on nature’s diverse functions. One such idea in the road sector is building rainwater harvesting and infiltration facilities in combination with road greening. To provide technical assistance to road administrators involved in this type of project, we discuss vital technical considerations for developing and managing these facilities in this report, which are compiled based on the viewpoints and ideas collected from previous projects and technical guidelines. |
キーワード: グリーンインフラ、道路緑化、雨水貯留浸透施設、道路管理者、道路空間
Keywords: |
green infrastructure, road greening, rainwater harvesting and infiltration facilities, road administrator, road space |
【一般報文】 |
Study of Functional Evaluation Methods for Urban Green Spaces as Green Infrastructure |
金 甫炫・松本 浩・飯塚康雄
KIM Bohyun, MATSUMOTO Hiroshi, IIZUKA Yasuo |
<抄録> 本研究は、グリーンインフラが有する多様な機能を評価する手法を提案することを目的とし、自治体の行政区域や開発プロジェクトを対象範囲として、グリーンインフラの機能評価手法と、その結果の活用方法について検討を行った。
We have been conducting research to develop and propose approaches to evaluating the multi-functions of green infrastructure. This report proposes a new evaluation approach we have created for local governments to utilize in green infrastructure development projects for their municipal areas. The report also covers the utilization of the evaluation results. |
Keywords: |
green infrastructure, park, green space, functional evaluation, comprehensive evaluation |
【一般報文】 |
The 2024 Revision of Bridge and Structures Periodic Inspection Guidelines and Standards |
OKADA Takao, SHIRATO Masahiro, TAMAKOSHI Takashi |
<抄録> 道路構造物の法定点検は、2巡目が終わるのにあわせて、制度の見直しの検討が行われた。健全性の診断の区分にあたって最低限必要な技術的評価が行われていなかったり、維持管理での活用の観点で点検結果の記録に課題があった。そのため、技術的助言や定期点検要領に技術的な評価の方法や内容が反映され、それがなされたことがわかるように記録様式も改善された。
The bridge and structures periodic inspection completed its second round under the revised Road Law of 2013. The need to revise the periodic inspection framework was discussed. The review revealed some issues that needed to be addressed. For example, the minimum technical assessment required to classify the integrity diagnosis of road structures were not being carried out. The inspection periodic records were not being documented in a way that takes into account maintenance and management. Revisions have been made to correct these shortcomings. Technical assessment items and methods have been reflected in Periodic inspection guidelines for highway bridges and structures (Technical advice under the local autonomy act) and Commentary to the technical advice to road administrators and Practical standards. The record forms have also been modified to clearly describe technical assessment related to the measure of road structure. |
Keywords: |
bridge and structures periodic inspection, guideline, standard |
【一般報文】 |
Creation of Evaluation Methods for Establishing a Resource Recycling System that Connects Wastewater Treatment and Waste Treatment |
平西恭子・長嵜 真・重村浩之
<抄録> 下水道において、更なる持続的な資源循環型社会を目指し、下水処理と廃棄物処理を連携させ、廃棄物処理施設で焼却処分されている生ごみを下水処理場に受け入れることで、エネルギー・マテリアルを効率的に回収する新たな資源循環システムの構築に向け、生ごみを下水処理場に受け入れる場合の経済性等の評価手法を作成した。
In pursuing a more sustainable, resource-circulating society, we have been studying ways to establish innovative resource recycling systems to recover energy materials efficiently. In the field of sewage systems, one way to achieve this is by integrating wastewater treatment with garbage treatment. For example, food waste can be treated at sewage treatment plants instead of being incinerated at waste disposal facilities, as is commonly practiced today. This report discusses the evaluation methods we have developed to assess the economic feasibility and other aspects of this integrated approach. |
Keywords: |
resource recycling, sewage treatment, waste treatment, economic efficiency, environmental |
【一般報文】 |
Research Report on Cooperation with Various Stakeholders for Attractive Riverfront Space Development |
SUZUKI Hiroyuki, TANAKA Takayuki |
<抄録> 多様な主体との連携による魅力ある水辺空間形成に向けて、今後の水辺空間形成にあたっての参考となりうる先進的な取組事例として、淀川河川敷十三エリアかわまちづくり、長井地区かわまちづくり、根下戸地区かわまちづくりに対するヒアリング調査結果について報告する。
Creating attractive riverfront spaces requires collaboration with various stakeholders. In this report, as references for future riverfront space development, we present hearing survey results regarding “KAWAMACHIDUKURI,” or riverside development projects pioneered by local communities across Japan, such as the Yodo riverside Juso districts, Nagai District, and Negeto District. |
Keywords: |
riverfront space, public-private partnership, cooperation with local residents, market sounding, tourism promotion |
【一般報文】 |
Experiments on Tactile Indications at Railroad Crossing to Increase the Safety of People with Visual Impairments |
KUBOTA Sayuri, IKEHARA Keiichi, IKEDA Takeshi |
<抄録> 令和6年1月に改定された「道路の移動等円滑化に関するガイドライン(国土交通省道路局)」で示された、踏切道での視覚障害者のための踏切手前部及び踏切内の誘導表示等の構造に関して、視覚障害者等による評価実験を実施した内容を紹介する。
The Road Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan, revised the guidelines for smooth and safe road mobility in January 2024. The guidelines include descriptions regarding the structures of tactile indications and other traffic objects installed at and before railroad crossings. This report discusses experiments we conducted in which people with visual impairments evaluated the effect of these tactile indications. |
Keywords: |
tactile indication, people with visual impairments, railroad crossing, outdoor experiments, update of guideline |
【一般報文】 |
Study on the Effect of Deteriorated Asphalt-treated Base Course on Pavement Structure |
NAKAO Nobuyuki, TANAKA Shunsuke, WATANABE Kazuhiro |
<抄録> 舗装内部に浸入した水が舗装構造に与える影響を検証するために瀝青安定処理路盤の耐水性を室内試験で評価した。次に、その結果を考慮した3次元有限要素法による解析を行い、理論的設計方法を用いて舗装内部への水の浸入が舗装構造へ与える影響を検証した。
In this research, we investigated how the deterioration of asphalt-treated base course affects pavement structures. We first conducted indoor experiments to evaluate the water resistance of asphalt mixtures and then performed a three-dimensional finite element analysis considering the evaluation results to examine the impact of water immersion on pavement structures using a theoretical design method. |
Keywords: |
Asphalt-treated base course, water immersion, stripping, modified Lottman test |
【一般報文】 |
Verification Experiment on the Possibility of Grasping Simulated Road Damage Events Using Small SAR Satellites |
梅原 剛・上仙 靖・徳武祐斗
UMEBARA Takeshi, JOSEN Yasushi, TOKUTAKE Yuto |
<抄録> 昼夜・天候等に影響を受けず、面的な観測が可能なSAR衛星を活用した道路被災状況調査への活用が期待されている。本稿では、SAR画像から判読可能な被災事象を明らかにすることを目的として、道路被災事象を模擬的に再現し、それらの判読の可否について検証した結果を報告する。
SAR satellites, which can perform wide-area observations while unaffected by day-night or weather conditions, are expected to be beneficial for investigating road damage. To clarify damage types that can be identified from SAR images, we conducted experiments in which we reproduced different types of road damage and captured them using SAR satellites. This report classifies the types of damage according to their identifiability from SAR images. |
Keywords: |
survey of road damage,remote sensing technology,small synthetic aperture radar satellites,verification experiment |
【現地レポート】 |
“フルセット”のコンセッション事業導入 ~三浦市公共下水道(東部処理区)運営事業~
Introduction of a Concession Method for the Whole Sewage System in Miura City |
本島慎也・古川 篤・田代 久・大石浩之
MOTOJIMA Shinya, FURUKAWA Atsushi, TASHIRO Hisashi, OHISHI Hiroyuki |
<抄録> 三浦市では、施設の老朽化や使用料収入の減、職員不足等を背景に、民のノウハウを取り込み経営改善を図るため、下水道事業にコンセッション方式を導入した。一処理区における処理場、ポンプ場、管路の全てについての維持管理から更新までを含む“フルセット”の事業としては全国初となる本事業について、概要を紹介する。
In Miura City, Japan, the sewage system has been facing difficulties due to aging facilities, decreasing revenue from user payments, staff shortages, and other issues. In response, the city has implemented a concession method to involve the private sector in improving the operation. This report outlines the first-of-its-kind project in the nation, where a private entity will be responsible for managing the maintenance and renewal of all treatment plants, pump stations, and pipelines within a single treatment area. |
Keywords: |
sewage system, public private partnership, concession method |
【現地レポート】 |
排水設備業務のDX ~東京23区における排水設備計画届出等のオンライン化~
Digital Transformation of the Approval Process for Drainage Equipment |
本郷 侃
HONGO Akira |
<抄録> 東京都下水道局では、排水設備計画届出及び公共ます設置申請のオンラインでの受付を令和4年度から実施している。オンラインでの受付にあたっては利用者の利便性向上や職員の負担軽減の観点から従来の手続きの流れを見直した。本稿では行政運営におけるDX事例として紹介する。
The Tokyo Metropolitan Sewerage Service has been accepting online submissions of drainage facility plans and public inlet installation applications since April 2022. To start this online service, the sewage office reviewed the previous submission procedures to increase user convenience and reduce employee workload. This report explains this recent effort as a pioneering case of digital transformation (DX) in administrative operations. |
Keywords: |
digital transformation, drainage equipment, sewage, online, Tokyo |
【土研センター】 |
How Can We Gather Effective Information on Data-scarce Coasts? |
UDA Takaaki |
<抄録> 発展途上国での海岸保全検討では、基礎データが不足しているのが一般で、わが国で行われてきた流儀で解析することはできない。このような場所では、衛星画像などを利用しつつ現地調査を行い、少ないデータから技術的判断を下す能力が必要とされる。しかしそのような方法はよく知られていない。そこで北ジャワのRembang沿岸での事例として、このような点について論じた。
When we discuss shore protection in developing countries, lack of the basic data necessary for the analysis is of concern, and the analysis cannot be performed using the same way as in Japan. In these cases, dispatched experts need to have the ability of practical technical judgments, even though available data is limited, which can be obtained from satellite images and field investigations. However, such approaches have not been sufficiently discussed. This report addresses this issue, using the case of the Rembang coast in north Java, Indonesia. |
キーワード:Java島、Rembang、Google Earth、汀線変化、沿岸漂砂
Keywords: |
Java Island, Rembang, Google Earth, shoreline changes, longshore sand transport |
| |