Shigeharu INOUE |
<抄録> 下水道事業では、これまで主に整備拡大を背景に処理処分の効率化・適正化や循環のみちの形成等に関する様々な技術開発が進められてきた。しかし、人口減少や高齢化等の方向に社会経済情勢が変化する中、これまでのストック効果を最大限に発揮させながら、下水道が有するポテンシャルをより活かして地域のニーズに的確に応える取り組みが求められている。ここでは、その現状と将来展望について考察する。
In traditional sewage projects, technological development has been promoted mainly to equip more areas with sewerage system; for example, increasing efficiency and finding better ways in wastewater treatment and creating more sewerage channels for better circulation. In recent years, however, Japan has been experiencing drastic changes socially and economically as its population is decreasing and aging rapidly. In this circumstance, it is important to implement projects that meet local needs and conditions by maximizing the capacity of existing sewerage system and other relevant infrastructure. This report discusses the current situation and future possibilities of the sewerage system in Japan. |
<キーワード> 技術ビジョン、B-DASH、ストックの評価、民間の活躍、付加価値向上
Keywords: technological vision, B-DASH, evaluation of social infrastructure, active contribution by the private sector, increase in added value |
【特集報文】 |
Technologies for River Monitoring and Inspection |
Kunihiko AMANO |
<抄録> 河川に関する計画、設計、施工、管理、制御のすべての局面で、状態把握に関する技術は重要な役割を果たしている。計測技術の進歩と電算処理能力の向上があいまって、近年、河川の種々の状態把握が高解像度、高頻度で可能となっている。新たに取得されたデータを河川管理や危機管理に具体的に活用可能な有益な情報にしていくことが必要である。
Monitoring and Inspection Technology has been playing a key role in every aspect of river-related issues including planning, design, construction, management and control. Moreover, technologies in this field have recently undergone further improvement in resolution and frequency thanks to the advance of measurement technology and computer power. It is important to find ways to turn data collected by advanced technologies into useful information that is applicable to practical cases in river management for both ordinary and emergency situations. |
<キーワード> 河川、状態把握技術、フロー、ステータス
Keywords: river, monitoring and inspection technology, flow, status |
【特集報文】 |
Managing Landslide and Sediment Disaster Risks Caused by Intensified Extreme Weather Events |
岡本 敦
Atsushi OKAMOTO |
<抄録> 昨年7月九州北部豪雨による同時多発的な土砂災害など、砂防施設の計画規模を超える極端な気象現象に伴う大規模な土砂災害が頻発している。本稿では最近の豪雨による土砂災害の特徴と課題及びこれらを踏まえた研究開発の展望について述べる。
In July 2017, landslide and debris flow disasters occurred simultaneously in northern Kyushu Island due to heavy rainfall. Landslide and sediment disasters exceeding design criteria have occurred frequently in recent years in Japan. This report introduces the characteristics and issues of recent large -scale sediment disasters and the future prospects of research and development in this field. |
<キーワード> 気候変動、集中豪雨、土石流、地すべり
Keywords: climate change, heavy rainfall, debris flow, landslide |
Kazuhide KIYASU |
<抄録> ITSは、最新の情報通信技術により、人と道路と自動車が連携し、道路交通の円滑化や安全等を目指すシステムである。国総研では旧土研時代も含めVICSやETC、ETC2.0の実現に向けた研究を行ってきた。現在、ETC2.0の活用や路車協調ITSの研究を進めており、最新の研究を踏まえて今後の展望を述べる。
ITS is intelligent traffic systems using leading-edge information and communications technology to facilitate interaction among people, roads and vehicles for more smooth, safer road transportation. The National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management has been involved in research on VICS, ETC and ETC2.0 to put them into practical use. With the present research focus placed on the effective use of ETC2.0 and road-vehicle cooperative ITS, this report presents the prospects of the new technologies based on the latest research findings. |
<キーワード> ITS、ETC2.0、プローブ、ビッグデータ、自動運転
Keywords: ITS, ETC2.0, probe, big data, autonomous driving |
Yoshitomi KIMURA |
<抄録> 平成26年度以降、各道路構造物の点検要領を整備し、定期点検が本格化されてきた。今後、メンテナンスのセカンドステージとして、点検や補修を着実に実施していくとともに、新技術の導入等による長寿命化・コスト縮減に取り組んでいく必要がある。これらに向けた国総研の取り組みや今後の方向性を展望する。具体的には、各構造物の点検要領の考え方、合理的な補修・補強設計法の研究、新技術活用の方向性と現場導入への活動を紹介する。
In Japan, inspection manuals for roads and road-related structures have been produced, and regular inspections have been put into full practice since 2014. Today, road maintenance is about to enter the second stage, in which inspections and repairs will be constantly executed and more efforts will be made for longer structural life and further cost reduction by means of the introduction of new technologies. This report presents current and prospective efforts in this area by the National Institute of Land and Infrastructure Management. The primary focuses include the basic concept of inspection manuals for each road structure, research on systematic repair and reinforcement design, future directions regarding the use of new technologies, and efforts in introducing them to actual construction. |
<キーワード> 道路構造物、メンテナンス、点検要領、新技術、技術基準
Keywords: road structure, maintenance, inspection manual, new technology, technological standard |
【特集報文】 |
Innovations in Construction Management Technology to Adapt to Changing Social Conditions |
Yoshiyuki IZUMI |
<抄録> 少子高齢化に伴う生産年齢人口の減少、地方の活力の衰退、自然災害の激甚化・頻発化、施設の老朽化などの社会情勢の変化に伴う課題に対応するために、現在取り組んでいる、建設マネジメント技術について展望する。
Japan is facing various issues as its social conditions are changing drastically. The working age population is decreasing as a result of the dwindling birth rate and the aging population. Local areas are fast losing their vitality in many aspects. Natural disasters are increasing in severity and frequency. Existing facilities and structures are deteriorating steadily. In this report, we outline progress in studies on construction management technology. |
<キーワード> 建設マネジメント技術、入札・契約方式、ICT施工、CIM
Keywords: construction management technology, bidding and contract system, ICT construction, CIM |
【特集報文】 |
Development and Dissemination of Technology for Constructing and Maintaining Infrastructure |
Yoshiharu NAMIKAWA |
<抄録> これから一層厳しさの増す社会環境下において土木インフラを適切に整備し、維持管理するために技術開発が進められている。本稿では、土木分野における開発の動向およびさまざまな技術を活用したイノベーションへの期待、ならびにそれら新技術の普及促進への期待と配慮事項について概説する。
Technological development is under way in order to construct and maintain civil engineering infrastructure appropriately in the social environment increasing demanding in every respect. This report outlines the trend of development in specific fields of civil engineering, and discusses expectations for innovations utilizing various technologies and their dissemination along with issues which should be taken into account when promoting the spread of these new technologies. |
<キーワード> 技術開発、ロボット、AI、普及
Keywords: technological development, robot, AI, dissemination |
【特集報文】 |
地盤への意識が技術の変化を生む Awareness towards the Ground Brings about Changes in Technology |
Hidetoshi KOHASHI |
<抄録> 我が国では今後、人口減少社会により社会資本の量的達成の要請が薄れ、良質な社会資本への集約・再編の時代に突入する。そうした時代背景のなかで、地質・地盤分野(地盤調査,土工の設計施工,維持管理)の技術にどのような変化が求められ、意識改革が必要となるか期待を込めて述べた。
With the population decreasing at a rapid rate, Japan will enter a time in which quantitative demand for social infrastructure will lessen and qualitative infrastructure will be reorganized. In this report, we discuss what change should be brought about and what kind of mindset will be required in geotechnical technology (ground investigation, earthmoving planning, implementation, maintenance and management) to adapt to this fast evolving environment. |
<キーワード> 地質・地盤リスク、地盤調査、設計、施工、維持管理、CIM、意識改革
Keywords: geotechnical risk,CIM (Construction Information Modeling),mindset reform |
【特集報文】 |
Biological Survey with Information Technology |
森 吉尚
Yoshinao MORI |
<抄録> 地道な現地調査や顕微鏡を使った種判定等、最も人に頼る割合が高い作業のひとつだった環境調査の分野において、次世代シーケンサーやドローン、AI等、最先端のIT技術の活用が盛んに試みられている。少子高齢化への対策としても注目される、このような取組の現状と将来の可能性について概観する。
More leading-edge information technologies, such as next-generation sequencers, drones and AI, have been introduced to biological survey, one of the highly labor-intensive areas along with field investigation and seed classification. This trend has also drawn public attention as part of the effort to address the declining birthrate and the aging population. In this report, we outline the current situation and future development of latest inventions in biological survey. |
<キーワード> DNA解析、ドローン、AI
Keywords: DNA analysis, drone, AI |
【特集報文】 |
Sediment Control Technology for Long Lifecycle Management and Restore Function of Dams |
Kazuhide SASAKI |
<抄録> 平成29年6月に国土交通省において「ダム再生ビジョン」がとりまとめ公表されたところであり、ダムの長寿命化を図るためにはダム貯水池に流入する土砂(堆砂)対策も重要となっている。既に実施している堆砂対策と併せて新たな工法を積極的に導入する、ダムを「より永く使う」技術の展望を示す。
In June 2016, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan published the “MLIT's Vision to Upgrade Dams under Operation,” which addresses the control of sediment flowing into dam reservoirs as a priority project in order to prolong the service life of dams. In this report, we present future technological development for the longer lifecycle of dams by promoting the wide use of innovative construction methods in addition to conventional sediment control measures. |
<キーワード> 堆砂、対策技術、ダム再生ビジョン、長寿命化、貯水池
Keywords: sediment, countermeasure technology, Dam Upgrade Vision , long lifecycle management, reservoir |
Hiroshi NISHII |
<抄録> 近年、激甚な豪雨、地震、火山噴火などによる土砂災害等が頻発している。土砂管理研究グループでは、近年の土砂災害等の特徴に対応するための研究を、社会ニーズを把握しつつ、他分野の先端技術も活用して進めている。また、土砂災害発生時等には、国・自治体への技術的支援を積極的に行っている。本報文では今後の研究の展開と取り組みについて述べる。
In recent years, sediment-related disasters occur frequently due to extreme heavy rainfall, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. The Sediment Management Research Group studies approaches to effectively respond to recent sediment disasters based on their characteristics while incorporating social needs and utilizing advanced technologies developed in other fields. The group also provides technical assistance to national and local governments in case of sediment disasters. This report describes future research developments and efforts of our research group. |
<キーワード> 土砂災害、土石流、流木、地すべり、雪崩、豪雨、火山噴火、地震
Keywords: sediment disaster, debris flow, driftwood, landslide, avalanche, heavy rainfall, volcanic eruption, earthquake |
【特集報文】 |
Road Technology for One Million Kilometers and Ten Thousand Tubes |
Toshihiko TAKAHASHI |
<抄録> 科学技術の進展により、土木分野においてもイノベーションが求められている。100万km、1万本を超え膨大なストックの舗装、トンネル分野における今後の技術開発の方向性についてAI活用も含め展望する。
As science and technology progress, innovation is called for in the field of civil engineering, just like in other fields, to manage a huge stock of existing infrastructure. In this report, we present future directions of technological development, including the use of AI, to maintain over a million kilometers of pavement and more than ten thousand tunnels. |
<キーワード> 道路技術、舗装、トンネル、AI、イノベーション、ひび割れ率、切羽
Keywords: road technology, pavement, tunnel, AI, innovation, crack ratio, tunnel face |
Hisaya SAWANO |
<抄録> ICHARMでは、国内外での水災害の防止・軽減に向け、洪水に関しては土砂を含めた流出・氾濫解析が可能なシステムの構築、水災害リスクの適切な評価及びリスク情報の提供を一気通貫で実施する統合研究を行い、渇水に関しては現象を予測し対応できるよう、モデルの精緻化を進め、さらに気候変動による影響評価につなげている。本稿ではこれらの内容と、技術普及を目指した取り組みを紹介する。
ICHARM has been conducting research and implementing projects to contribute to the prevention and mitigation of water-related disasters on a global basis. For flood disasters, integrated research is carried out to arrange a sequence of studies to cover all aspects of disaster risk and its management from the development of a system capable of analyzing the runoff and inundation of river water including sediment, to the accurate assessment of flood disaster risk, and to the dissemination of risk information. For droughts, the development of a drought forecasting model is underway to produce more accurate drought information and evaluate the impact of climate change. This report introduces these technologies and efforts to disseminate them at home and overseas. |
<キーワード> 水災害リスク、流出・氾濫解析、中山間地、渇水、気候変動
Keywords: water-related disaster risk, runoff inundation analysis, mountainous area, drought, climate change |
Fumihiko KANAZAWA |
<抄録> 道路橋の維持管理は、これまでの事後保全から予防保全に転換を図るべく取り組みが進められているが、点検・調査の効率化、健全性の合理的評価など、現状では様々な技術的課題があるため、「メンテナンスサイクルの効率化・信頼性向上に関する研究」に取り組んでいる。そのなかで、本稿では、既設橋の健全性評価に関する技術開発動向や、AIなど新たな技術を活用した今後の技術開発を考察する。
The current bridge maintenance is shifting from Post-Incident Maintenance to Preventive Maintenance and faces many technological problems in pursuit of more efficient bridge inspection and investigation and more systematic bridge integrity evaluation. To solve such challenges, we have been studying a bridge maintenance cycle to increase its efficiency and reliability. In this report, we focus technological development for the integrity evaluation of existing bridges and discuss progress in this effort. We also discuss the development of new technology using AI and other latest inventions. |
<キーワード> 橋梁保全、メンテナンスサイクル、研究開発プログラム、AI、健全性評価
Keywords: bridge maintenance, cycle of maintenance, program of R&D, AI, integrity evaluation |
Hiroshi WATANABE |
<抄録> 既設コンクリート構造物について、更新・補修対策技術の成否が長寿命化のカギを握っている。これまでにも、補修対策に関する技術開発がなされてきたが、構造物の新設技術と比較して未解決の課題は多く残されている。補修対策に対する期待はますます高まるなか、将来に向けての技術開発に向けた課題や展望を述べる。
The development of renewal and rehabilitation technology is the key component in the management of existing concrete structures. Despite the efforts so far made, progress in this area has been slower than in the technological development for building new structures, with many problems still left unsolved. To respond to increasing needs for rehabilitation technology, this report presents future technological development in structural rehabilitation. |
<キーワード> コンクリート構造物、補修、性能評価、信頼性
Keywords: concrete structures, rehabilitation, performance evaluation, reliability |
【土研センター】 |
Multiple Damage to Civil Engineering Structures and Lessons from the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake |
Ken-ichi TOKIDA |
<抄録> 2016年4月の熊本地震では、大規模な斜面崩壊による落橋などの被害が顕在化したが、その特徴は複合構造被害である。本文は、道路構造物の複合構造被害の事例を紹介し、今後の課題を考察する。また、道路土工構造物技術基準の「連続又は隣接する構造物」と関連付けて考察する。さらに、2017年10月の現地調査の際の見聞を付記する。
The Kumamoto Earthquake in April 2016 caused tremendous damage to infrastructure in the area, such as the destruction of bridges due to large-scale landslides. The damage due to this earthquake is particularly characterized as simultaneous destruction of multiple structures. This report presents cases of structural damage involving multiple road structures and issues that need to be addressed for improvement. The issues are also discussed in reference to the road structure technical standard guidelines concerning structures connected or adjacent to each other. The report also includes the findings of the field survey conducted in October 2017. |
<キーワード> 熊本地震、現地調査、道路構造物、複合構造被害、知見
Keywords: Kumamoto Earthquake, field survey, road structure, multiple structure damage, lessons |